Coaching with Bev

Deep down you know you are meant for more...

Would you like MORE?

You are a wise being.   

*'Something' is prodding you.       

 "Is there more?... " Yes, There is. 

"Am I meant for more?"...  Yes, You are.  

*It's your Soul. Your deep down knowledge that tugs, pushes, pulls.

(Gently, or not so gently.)

What MORE is calling you? 

Is it...

More Satisfaction,

More Understanding

More Fulfillment,

More Confidence,

More Self-Expression,

More Creativity

More Peace,

More Fun,

More Meaning,

More Joy?


Preparing to Navigate Toward Your More?

Good news.

You don't have to do it alone!

Coaching with Bev

Have you ever wished that life came with a built-in GPS for your next significant steps?  

Your inner wisdom and your best thinking is a powerful combination. It often helps to have a skilled co-navigator (that’s me!) to help you hear your heart, illuminate your thinking, untangle dueling priorities, and find the next clear steps toward what truly matters.

We start with what you really want—not what you should want or what others expect, but what feels grounded and fulfilling for you. Then, informed by your vision, we begin to create MORE of what you want in a way that works well.

Along the way, we’ll shine a light on any roadblocks or former obstacles—old doubts, sneaky habits, or that voice in your head that thinks playing small is the safest bet. (By the way, it’s not.)

You’ll also discover the strengths, resources, and inner brilliance you already have, even those gifts, skills and talents that may have been hiding. Together, we move from problem-dwelling to light-shining, resourceful, state-changing solution-finding.

Most importantly, your steps to more of what you want are doable and enjoyable. There is no pressure to have it all figured out at once—just one step at a time, in a way that feels good and true for you. I’ll be right there with you, reflecting your brilliance to you and making sure the process is insightful, practical, and enjoyable as you become more of who you are here to be.

Why Coach With Bev?

Because Having, Doing and Being MORE of what you choose can be an elegant process.

With experience and expertise in how the mind works and how the soul speaks, I help you get to the heart of what matters—eficiently, without overthinking.

My approach blends insightful listening, intuitive guidance, and brain-friendly strategies to help you break through confusion, confront doubt and move forward in the most effective way for yourself. Coaching with me isn’t about cookie-cutter advice or pushing you toward a preset formula—it’s about helping you hear yourself more clearly than ever before. If you're looking for a coach who can help you think at your best, trust yourself more deeply, and make the lasting changes you choose—I’m here for you.                                                                             Curious about certifications- here you go.


Choose Your Adventure



Imagine a dedicated day where your focus, insight, and possibilities expand—without distraction.

Your VIP Day provides the time, space, and expert guidance to move through a challenge, gain clarity on an important decision, or accelerate a transformation that’s been calling you.

 If you prefer a powerful one-day session over a longer coaching series, this is for you.

About VIP Day

Threshold -Five sessions

"Will it fly?"

You’re at a threshold—a moment of transition, transformation, or decision. Whether you’re stepping into something new, navigating uncertainty, or feeling called to greater alignment, this five-session coaching series provides structure and support to carefully consider your next steps with confidence.


About Threshold

Navigator- Ten Sessions

Some changes happen in a moment. Others require time, space, and steady support to fully unfold.

Navigator is a  personalized coaching experience via ten transformative conversations. Integrate wisdom, align with your Self, move forward with confidence and clarity.

Ideal for exploring new possibilities with a traveling companion by your side. 

About Navigator